Contact: Alysha Shaw
Phone: 505.316.3514
Email: alysha@publicpowernm.org
Webinar to Highlight Local Solar Access Fund’s Role in Supporting Rural Resilience in New Mexico
What: Webinar on the proposed Local Solar Access Fund and its potential to enhance rural resilience across New Mexico.
When: Friday, January 17, 2025, 2:30–3:30 PM (MT)
Where: Online via Zoom (registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XB8W49YjTIKYhJJRTR60Uw#/registration)
Why: New Mexico’s proposed Local Solar Access Fund represents a critical step in empowering rural communities, Tribes, and local governments to access the resources needed to implement solar and energy storage projects. This is priority legislation being introduced in the 2025 legislative session by House Majority Leader Reena Szczepanski and Senator Harold Pope. This innovative initiative addresses pressing needs such as emergency preparedness, energy cost savings, and climate action, paving the way for more sustainable and resilient communities across the state. Recent natural disasters like floods and fires in New Mexico and across the nation demonstrate the urgency for resources like these, ensuring that emergency services and critical infrastructure don’t lose power when they are needed most.
Reena Szczepanski, House Majority Leader
Harold Pope, New Mexico State Senator
Lynn Crawford, Mayor of Ruidoso
Shaun Tsabetsaye, Zuni Pueblo, Head of Tribal Technical Assistance and Project Development, Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy
Steve Jenison, Dixon Volunteer Fire Chief
Randy Sadewic, CEO, Positive Energy Solar
Moderator: Alysha Shaw, Campaign Director, Public Power New Mexico
This dynamic panel will discuss the transformative potential of solar and storage projects, the economic and workforce development opportunities they create, and the urgent need for the Local Solar Access Fund to address these challenges in 2025.
Media: Members of the media are encouraged to attend and learn more about the Local Solar Access Fund’s impact on rural communities in New Mexico. Opportunities for interviews with panelists will be available following the event.
Registration: This event is free, but registration is required. Please visit https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XB8W49YjTIKYhJJRTR60Uw#/registration to secure your spot.
Contact: For more information or to schedule interviews with panelists, please contact Alysha Shaw at alysha@publicpowernm.org.