A Memorial to Study a State-Level Public Utility Model for New Mexico is the first necessary step in our fight for Public Power ownership in New Mexico. SM 10 is being sponsored in the Senate by Senators Liz Stefanics and Carrie Hamblen, and co-sponsored by nine additional Senators. It has been assigned to Senate Rules and Senate Tax, Business and Transportation.
Start contacting the Senate Rules Committee Members and your Senator now - Ask Committee Chair Senator Ivey-Soto to put it on the call and Committee members to VOTE YES. Committee contact information.
In the House HM 20 is sponsored by Representative Andrea Romero and Representative Angelica Rubio and it has been sent to House Labor, Veterans and Military Affairs and House Judiciary.
A preliminary study conducted by the HBailey Group found that Public Power could lead to more affordable rates, an accelerated transition to 100% renewable energy and a minimum of 550 permanent jobs and more than $1 Billion in annual revenue in perpetuity for the benefit of the people of New Mexico!